Friday, September 19, 2014

Saturday 20 Sept 14 (1:40am)

Havent posted in a week or so. Let me tell you shit has gone down hill. Ok it's not that bad compared to other people's circumstances. But shit man to me right now my life isn't what I thought it would be . Yo I think I'm failing my intro to animal science class and every other class. I came home this weekend to find out that my room is no longer my room. My mother gave it to her son after I told her when she asked that I wasn't OK with it weeks before. So I'm kinda bummed. (currently crashing in my sister's spare room) And when I informed my "friends" I was in town they were acting mad weird. Over all I think I made a mistake coming back home. I thought I missed it because I'm an outsider  at school but I'm an outsider here as well. Idk. I'm just here for the weekend so I'll be gone soon. But I really wish it wasn't  like it is now. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense but yeah. Ima just cry myself to sleep. That's another thing I'm currently coming down with a cold so it's easier to hide my discomfort because I can just blame it on that and my parents are oblivious to me and my feeling they bought that bullshit excuse. So yeah that's my day / night  for ya. I'm now really going to sleep. Night to whoever had come across my stupid blog of my complaining which I shouldn't be but yeah peace and love to everyone reading this which is probably no one. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

10 Sept 14 (11:50pm)

I only have two classes today because my third class I just have to take a test. I'm kinda hungry but I only have enough swipes on my meal plan to last me for the rest of the week before they restart. The struggles of getting a cheap meal plan to not have to much debt. I mean I got a Mac and cheese cup from my food stash. Which isn't a stash no more because I have no more food. But yeah I need to get to the store ASAP. I just need to see who will give me a ride. Oh yeah I also don't have a car. I'm just a mess. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Y'all 09 Sept 14 (9:30pm)

This just happen I got to "meet" Nev. He came to my university. I was fangirling to the MAX. He was funny and not boring. Usually when I sit through a 50 mintue lecture I can't stand it, but I sat there the whole time and then I stood in a line to get my book signed and get a picture with him. So from 6:30-9:30pm.  He's so nice. I blanked I couldnt bring words out of my mouth. (Star stund). Like he's Bae 💍.  There were so many people in line and he stayed all the way to til the end (I think till 11pm). But I hadn't plan on going. I went because I had met some people in my bio lab who HAD  to go for a class and who was I to pass up a time to hang out with actually people and not be stuck in my room like always ( I have trouble making friends.) Yeah actually I kinda had also planned on going to rush a service organization tonight ( it's like a sorority but with more community service events). But come on how many times does NEV host of MTV's catfish. Your celeb crush come to your campus to lecture and have a book signing and it's free. I'm mean I can always rush next semester or next year the organization is always gonna be at school ; BAE isn't. It was worth the wait in line. Best day in college by far. 

09 Sept 14 (3:30pm)

Ok so it's a Tuesday, and according to the weather app it's 97 degrees outside but it feel like 108 (welcome to south texas). So I only have three classes today and I'm currently waiting for my last class to start. The first class was whatever -American History- that was an 8am class. The professor micromanages to the Max like he prints out schedules that tell us what to read for everyday of the semester and every minute on test days.(I thought this was college don't we chose if we wanna study?) I guess it can be a good thing at least we have no excuse on to why we didn't know what was the lecture or the test is gonna be on. My second class was introduction to biology lecture. It's a 9am class. It's held in a little auditorium that is so COLD. That's saying a lot because even though I live in south texas I don't get cold easily. It make is really hard to sit there for 50minutes and stay awake. The professor is pretty cool. She gets to the point and tries to get through lecture fast. My third class doesn't start til 4pm. Yes that's a what 6hr break?! What do I do an my down time? Well let me tell you -finger snap- I sleep! I know so productive. I should catch up on the readings assignments or the pre uploaded quizzes my history professor uploads on blackboard(for the rear of the semester). But no I got down stairs get lunch with my roommate and then go to sleep I know bad habit. If I'm not sleeping I'm in my dorm watching YouTube videos. (HASHTAG) N0 Ł!F3. 

Welcome to a pointless blog

This is just a pointless blog. I'll just be posting things that have happened to me throughout the day/week.