Tuesday, December 9, 2014

09 Dec 14 Finals!!! more ranting

What's up y'all I haven't posted in a bit. So its the last week of the fall semester in my university which means shit food, shit sleep schedules and shit hours on test days. So far I've taken 3 finals. I for sure pass 1 of those I'm not too sure on the others and i still have 3 more take yay me -note sarcasm- . my roommates being a little brat about missing her ONLINE final i repeat ONLINE final. who does that its ONLINE her excuse is that she was studying and the test didn't have an end date. I told her maybe she should've done it as soon as it was posted so she can be on the safe side and not had missed it now look at her.I mean if you have to take in ONLINE final I'm pretty sure your professor expects you to use your notes. And plus she was not studying all week I know she studied yesterday for like an hour and this morning when her professor texted her that she failed the course she wants to turn on the water workers. Nah I do not have time for that I have shit of my own to worry about. I told her straight up that if I was her teacher I won't let her take it. It was up for a whole week come on! I may be being a major bitch but she's always putting me down as if my shit isn't important or hard. Like she sees me studying all night and has the nerve to tell me that she doesn't study and still has better grades then me. Like bitch we're not even in the same major and she's in a fig and all her classmates are passing meaning that they are a bit easier than my courses if all most everybody is passing but her because she barley even goes to class, and she has all the same people in her classes so if she misses something she can just as them for the answers. I rarely have the same people in my class so if i miss something and office hour and closed I'm screwed.

-----------------Don't mind the spelling and grammar errors I suck at life sorry-----------------------------

Okay that is enough of my bitching but on the cool she can be pretty chill but most of the time its all about her and if it's not she throws a fit i blame her parents they babied her to much if only they knew half the stuff she does. She ain't the saint they think she is. lmao I'm still bitching its cause she really got me upset. Killing my good vibes. I'm gonna get off now before I start all over again on my ranting. So to who ever reads these thanks again I know there's a few of y'all out there. bye

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